Thursday, December 30, 2010

Parable of the Prodigal Son

The parable of the prodigal son is located in the Bible in Luke 15:11-32. For any of you that aren't familiar with this story, it involves a son who asks his father for his share of the inheritance and then leaves home and squanders all of it. Knowing that he has been foolish, the son ashamedly returns home to his father to ask if he will take him back and allow the son to work for him as one of his servants.
The father runs out to meet the son as he is returning, and welcomes him home with great joy and thanksgiving. The father even throws a welcome home celebration for his son!
The reason that this blog is titled "Prodigal Son" is because myself and many others have fallen into the same trap of separation from God. We are ashamed at some of the decisions we have made in the past and are returning home to Him with our heads down and feelings of inadequacy and shame. If you are anything like me, you may even feel that you don't deserve God's grace and mercy after the way you have lived your life.
The good news is that God is even more graceful than the father in the story. Not only does God want us to return to Him, but he's not just going to throw us a welcome home party, he is preparing a mansion for each one of us in Heaven so that we can spend eternity by His side.
Please feel free to become a follower of this blog and comment freely, as long as those comments are positive. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion. If you disagree with mine, that is fine, but please just move along rather than spreading negativity. Also, feel free to leave any prayer requests and/or contact information, and I will respond to you or pray for you as soon as I receive it.
God Bless

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